Saturday, February 20, 2021

Sunshine yellow sort of day

 It's not a sunshine yellow sort of day by any means.  I have soaking socks and damp hair just from ploughing round tesco and finding the car in the car park.  


A day to notice and smell the yellow frilled trumpet glory of supermarket daffodils in the front room

A day to notice the splash of blackbird beak yellow crocus against the grey green brash on Heavitree Road

A day to give way and let people out, to thank the costa barista and spend a moment chatting

A day to put on cleaning out the freezer (I hate this job) and put off being a grumpy sod..

A day to notice the weary, inward looks of the shoppers in Tesco - and try to be a little cheery

A day to walk in the rain with a friend even though I hate walking in the rain 

So that's the day so far. My kitchen floor is now soaked from sweeping ice out the freezer and there is spilled wine in the fridge - because I forgot I had a mug of it in there for a casserole.  It's raining and I can't wait for Monday's announcement even if it is a tiny concession to normality.  Like most people I am doing my best but sometimes that feels not good enough.  I watched half of (zoom call with a friend) Kate Humble's walk on the coast path TV programme last night.  I didn't realise you could physically pine for a landscape.  She walked the coast above Lynton and Lynmouth -and the Countisbury Hill and foreland.  And I had an aching heart - I love this landscape and miss it, and Lee Abbey, my refuge when I feel in need of a bit of time out.  Hope - I will definitely walk the valley of the rocks as soon as we are allowed to travel and whatever the rain may throw at me!

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