Monday, December 30, 2019

Locked room mysteries

This is the year I finish the book pile, this is the year of solid savings- enforced - I need a new boiler and they aren't cheap. 

I am still - 8 months later - finishing "40 days John" which has been so good.  But a little reflection goes a long way - bit like too much sweet stuff at Christmas although that normally kicks me into the swimming pool!  Not at the moment as my asthma has flared up nicely.

so, a bit of post Easter reflection which is fairly dozy due to steroid and lots of ventolin.  But it gets me writing.....

The disciples are in a locked room. At best, an atmosphere of fear, anxiety and terrible loss with a candle-flare of hope: this morning brought good news.  Just a shame the key witness is an "unreliable, fairly emotional woman!" The usual males reported similar oddities too but not so much drama. 

So what are they doing here?  They are Jews - I suspect they are praying the evening service, and arguing the law/prophets/writings; the days readings.  And Jesus of course.  He'd taught them to do this style of thinking and they probably hadn't lost the habit even in grief.

What on earth did it all mean?  And they see him standing there in their locked down room. "peace be with you - hello" But more than that - he says it again amidst the predictable uproar. Hugs, shouts? tears?  You fill in the blanks - I did, standing watching from my corner

My response isn't for sharing.  But I talked to him too.

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