Thursday, September 13, 2018

When it's easy to be grateful

Today I came home from work to the chitter of the back garden sparrow squad.  I thought nothing of it - they are usually noisy.  Going over to wash my hands, I looked out the window - to see a large, brown and beige bird of prey with a nice bright eye and an intentional looking curved beak perched on the brick wall at the back of the house, eyeing up sparrow surprise for tea.  I assume he or she is a sparrowhawk but would be very pleased to be proved wrong!  I would have willingly sacrificed several sparrows to keep my newest acquistion on the wall, but, before I could find either camera or phone it had taken flight, scattering the sparrows ahead of it.  Lovely unexpected thing as the usual birds are blackbird, occasional crow and annoying seagulls.

I have a habit of "making" gratitude quilts - basically hatched lines in a notebook, filled with prayer or thanks for good things, in as many colour biros as I have.  They are a good reminder on a dark morning when my heart is a little rusty.  I think I will have to take my camera to work, too, to photograph the changing colours of the beautiful mature trees where I work, and the way the light shines on the colours of the victorian brickwork, to make up for the drab, draughty huts we work in!

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